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Raw Sheep Dairy

Our sheep are exclusively grass-fed and chemical free. That is why we are able to offer you the most nutritious, natural and beyond organic grass-fed sheep milk. Like all of our animals, these sheep are free from grain, soy, chemicals, vaccines, antibiotics and artificial hormones. These sheep are raised on pasture in a natural, happy and healthy environment. The sheep dairy products we offer are milk, yogurt and kefir. Yogurt and kefir and excellent for gut health because they are packed with probiotics and enzymes. Sheep dairy is gentle on stomachs for those who suffer from allergies and gastro discomfort. Lastly, our sheep dairy is raw which means that it contains all of its nutrients, probiotics and beneficial qualities. Pasteurized dairy is not nearly as nutritious because the probiotics and living organisms are killed through the heating process. The FDA and PDA do not consider anything made with raw dairy fit for human consumption. Although everything we produce is to human consumption standards and we are a Grade A milk facility, our raw dairy products are for cats and dogs.