We are a Regenerative Farm! There's so much to learn about the special things we do to take care of our animals and land. At the bottom of this page, we have links that will help you learn all that there is to know. More links will be added periodically. In the meantime, read about our Ancient Grains, Pastured Chicken and more!

Raw Water Buffalo Dairy: Yogurt

-Naturally A2/A2
-Pasture raised
-100% grass-fed (no soy, corn or grain)
-Chemical free
-No GMOs
-No synthetic hormones
-Antibiotic and vaccine free

*From our own herd, Water Buffalo milk is known to be the best milk for those with digestive issues and brain development issues. Water Buffalo milk is higher in fat, minerals, protein and all-around nutrition compared to cow, sheep, or goat milk.