Goat Cottage Cheese is back! Sheep Kefir and Sheep Yogurt is temporarily discontinued due to the goat and sheep milk shortage that naturally occurs this time of year. Check for availability near the end of January or beginning of February.

Buffalo Valley Pastures Farm Market

Blessed Raw Food from Our Farm to Your Table!

100% A2, Non GMO, Chemical Free, Pasture Raised,100% Grass-fed, Soy-Free

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Featured Posts

August 6, 2024
Dairy cows experience something called a 'dry period.' Find out what it means and how it affects you as a consumer.
January 24, 2024
Letting food go to waste is like throwing money in the trash! Here is a way to get more out of your chicken carcass and other bone-in cuts of meat.
October 26, 2023
We just harvested grass for the winter months. Our herd is grass-fed all year! Learn a little bit more about the importance of feeding cows grass vs. grain. It is important to their health and yours, too!