Due to the Christmas and New Year holidays, we are running modified schedules. 3 Day Select deliveries are postponed and will resume the week of January 6th. Please note that deadlines for 1 Day and 2 Day shipping have been moved to Friday @ 7 am for Christmas and New Years week. The next delivery for Pennington NJ and Chalfont PA will be on Friday January 3rd. The usual Thursday schedule will resume after that. The farm is closed on December 25th and 26th, so there will be no farm pick ups on those days. Goat Cottage Cheese is temporarily discontinued due to the goat milk shortage that naturally occurs this time of year. Check for availability in January.

Raw A2 Cow Dairy: A2 Yogurt

-Genetically verified A2/A2
-Pasture raised
-100% grass-fed (no soy, corn or grain)
-Chemical free
-No GMOs
-No synthetic hormones
-Antibiotic and vaccine free

*Our herd of Guernsey cows produce 100% A2/A2 milk which is verified through genetic testing. A2 refers to the beta casein protein found in milk, which is easier to digest for those who typically experience symptoms of lactose intolerance.

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