Attention UPS Customers: Please be aware that packages may experience delays due to snowy weather along the east coast. We may decide to hold packages until the following week. If we do send packages with the potential the risk for delays, we will pack extra ice. If applicable, we encourage customers to purchase frozen meat instead of fresh. Thank you for your understanding. Sheep Kefir and Sheep Yogurt is temporarily discontinued due to the goat and sheep milk shortage that naturally occurs this time of year. Check for availability in February.
WB Colostrum 1st Milking, Frozen, Plastic

WB Colostrum 1st Milking, Frozen, Plastic

Water Buffalo Raw Dairy- For Cats and Dogs

Super Nutritious, Liquid Gold

Raw Water Buffalo Colostrum from our pastured, exclusively grass-fed Water Buffalo! Colostrum is the first milk produced after birth. It promotes immunity, helps fight infections and improves gut health. 

~Do your own research about what food is appropriate for you and your pets.


More about our raw pet food

Keeping our standards high for your pets.

Everything in this Raw Colostrum process is done to human consumption standards. We follow the same standards and guidelines to prepare our pet food the same way we prepare food for ourselves!

Raw Colostrum is not approved for human consumption by the FDA.

Freezes well! 


Our A2/A2 Water Buffalo Milk

Friends, it is our pleasure to offer you our exotic Water Buffalo milk!  Water Buffalo, not to be confused with American Bison, originates from the Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia and China. We are one of the very few farms that raise Water Buffalo in the United States.  Water Buffalo milk is a unique dairy product; although, it has similarities to sheep milk. It is prized by cooks and nutritional specialists from around the world. While it tastes similar to cow milk, it has 58% more calcium, 40% more protein and more fat than cow milk. It also contains high levels of the natural antioxidant tocopherol and is rich in Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA), an Omega-6 fatty acid that has been found to have many health benefits.  Water Buffalo milk is naturally A2/A2 which refers to the protein found in milk. Milk with this protein profile is often easier to digest. 

Our Water Buffalo milk is raw and never processed in any way. It’s not pasteurized or homogenized.  Water Buffalo milk is naturally homogenized. It is snow white in color and has a thicker consistency compared to cow milk. It’s super creamy and goes down smooth!  Our happy Water Buffalo are 100% grass-fed and pasture-raised. They are out on pasture eating grass during the spring, summer and fall. In the winter, they are given our own-grown alfalfa and hay. All of our grass is organically grown, non-GMO and never sprayed with synthetic chemicals. Our Water Buffalo are supplemented with molasses and minerals in the winter months and are given free choice access during the other months. They are never fed grain or soy. Our buffalo are free from hormones, antibiotic and vaccines. Animals receive traditional Amish homeopathic treatments when needed. We are happy to offer you the best quality Water Buffalo Milk from our farm in Lancaster County!