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Raw Milk: Frequently Asked Questions!

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February 3, 2022

Are you new to the world of drinking and handling raw milk?

I am writing this particular post with hopes that it answers your questions and gives you more confidence when using and handling raw milk. 

Raw milk is amazing for our health!  Some of us drank raw milk when we were kids. Some of us have never even heard of such a thing! 

Let’s dive in!

Here are questions and topics that I have talked about with others, as well as helpful tips from my own experience:

How long does milk last? 

The answer is rather surprising. Raw milk does not go bad! Old raw milk will not make you sick. Milk from the store will go rancid or spoil. At that point it will likely make you sick, but raw milk does not spoil. It goes to what we like to call ‘the next level.’ Raw milk grows new beneficial bacteria (pro biotics) and takes on a sour or ‘cheesy’ flavor. You can use it for drinking as long as you can tolerate the taste. For me, I notice the taste of the milk changing around 2 weeks.  At that point my husband and I like to add some of Buffalo Valley Pasture's Organic Chocolate Syrup.  It masks the flavor of the sour milk. 

How do I keep raw milk tasting fresh as long as possible?

Transfer your milk from a plastic jug to a glass jar or pitcher. In plastic jugs, milk residue tends to dry and harden in the hollow handle and crevices around the opening. I have noticed that switching to glass helps avoid the fresh milk coming in contact with the old, crusty milk build up that can age the milk.  The 'sniff test' does not always work to find out if your milk is sour because you are smelling what is caked on a round the rim rather than the milk itself.  That is why we do a taste test.

Another tip to keep it fresh is, switch it to a smaller container! An enemy of freshness is air exposure. When your milk container starts to get empty, put it in a smaller container like a glass jar. You can reduce air exposure which helps keep it from aging faster.

My milk has reached ‘the next level.’ Should I throw it away?

 I would not if I were you! It is still great for cooking and baking! You can put it in your mashed potatoes, creamy soups, cakes, pancakes, oatmeal. You can make your own cheese, caramel or butter.  You’ll find that it adds great flavor!

You can also give sour raw milk to your cat.  Most articles will tell you that cats are lactose intolerant.  More than likely the author of these articles are using pasteurized milk.  Pasteurized milk changes the molecular structure of milk making it difficult or not only people to digest but animals as well. We give our cats raw milk regularly, and they go absolutely nuts for it!  The sour the better!

Do I cook with raw milk and products from raw milk the same way as regular milk?

No.  The main thing you want to avoid with raw milk is overheating. When raw milk heats too fast and gets to a rapid boil, it curdles and does not achieve the desired result. When heating raw milk, the key is low and slow. Don’t go beyond a gentle boil for too long!  The same goes with baking with items like cream cheese.

Can I freeze raw milk?

You can freeze raw milk!  If you find yourself not being able to keep up with your normal milk consumption and are afraid that your milk will go to waste, freeze it!  In our home, we try to keep our food waste down as much as possible.  Did you know that the average family of four throws away $1,500 worth of food every year?  Imagine what you could do with that!  So, freeze your milk!  The texture gets altered ever so slightly, but it's still good to drink or cook with.  Be sure to freeze it in plastic and not glass.  If you would like to learn more, here is a link to an article from a woman who did it herself!  https://www.amodernhomestead.c...   

raw milk




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