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Ghee Wiz! What is ghee anyway? How do you even say it?

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February 22, 2022

Ghee Wiz! What is ghee, anyway? How do you even say it?

(hard G, silent H)… ghee

Ghee is a food that is quickly becoming popular. You may have already heard of it, but you probably don’t know much about it. Ghee is also called ‘clarified butter.’ Its origin is from the Middle East and India. The process of making ghee begins with heating butter on low until the water evaporates and milk solids are left behind. The solids are then skimmed off the top or strained, and you are left with a wonderful product that we call ghee!

What is ghee used for? The great thing about ghee is that is has a high smoke temp of 485 degrees. It won’t burn like butter does on high heat. It also will not cause inflammation to the body like vegetable and canola oil. It’s great for high temperature cooking like frying and sautéing. My husband and I like to use it for popping our popcorn! You can also spread it on your favorite breads and veggies as a butter alternative, though it does not taste the same. Ghee has a nutty and richer flavor than butter that some people prefer. 

Is ghee better than organic, grass-fed butter? It depends! Many people who are allergic to butter whether it be dairy related or fat related can tolerate ghee. This is because the lactose and casein are removed when the milk solids are removed. That means when you eat ghee, there is less stomach cramping, inflammation, gas and bloating. Plus, our ghee is made with grass-fed, A2 dairy, so our ghee is even easier on some people’s stomachs. Ghee has higher concentrations of vitamins A, E and K than butter because of how it is processed. It also has conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), a fatty acid linked to cancer prevention and weight loss.

A great thing about ghee, is that it is extremely shelf stable. It can last at least 6 months sitting at room temperature. It does not have water in it, so bacteria will not be able to grow. However, if your ghee gets contaminated with food or liquid, it has the potential to grow bacteria and should be refrigerated. Refrigeration will give it an indefinite shelf life.   

Ghee is amazing! It’s an excellent butter substitute. It’s delicious and healthy. It can replace harmful high temp cooking oils (vegetable, canola, corn, soybean). It’s shelf stable. Ghee from Buffalo Valley Pastures ( is EVEN MORE AMAZING because it comes from organic, grass-fed, A2 cow’s milk. You know the farm and the farmer when you choose BVP! Order your ghee today and have some fun!

Works Cited

Asprey, Dave. “Ghee Vs. Butter: What’s the Difference, and Which is Best?” Bulletproof. April 14, 2020.

               February, 22, 2022.


Farrell, Kevin. “What ghee is and why you should cook with it.” 10 Best. USA Today, November 30, 2020. February 22, 2022.


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